Hello everyone!
The Moovin' Health Ball is in less than 2 weeks - here is what you need to know!
- Please buy your tickets ASAP. Tickets MUST be purchased by Thursday 16th October at the LATEST.
- Ballarat/Wang/Shepp students/staff can pay their Moovin' Health site coordinators in cash OR pay using internet banking
- let us know whether you need accommodation in Shepp
- let us know if you have special dietary requirements
- Unfortunately we have not been able to receive any sponsorship for the ball this year. While we will continue to subsidise the costs of the tickets and to pay for your accommodation and the cleaning of the accommodation, transport to the venue, and breakfast the morning after, unfortunately we do not have sufficient funds to reimburse you for the costs of travelling to Shepparton for the event.
- Get excited! We will have a free bus service that will take you to the venue from the Shepparton RCS at 6.15pm. The bus will drop you off in town afterwards or take you back to the RCS and/or Kilpatrick Avenue accommodation at 12.
- We will be holding a HUGE SLAVE AUCTION at the ball. All the money raised will be donated to the Australian Cancer Council as part of the Moovin' Health efforts for the Relay for Life. Please bring along some money (or promise to pay later) and bid hard and strong for our celebrity slaves of the RCS!!! Email me ASAP if you want to be a slaaaaave and haven't let me (Maree) know yet!!!
- There will be a lucky door prize, a prize for best dressed and more! Be sure to let us know if you require a fan to recreate any classic Marilyn Monroe moments.....
- "MORNING AFTER BREAKFAST" There will be a free breakfast provided at POD 2 at 8.30am on Friday 24th. Come along with your dark over-sized Hollywood shades to power your fuel cells. Food and drinks will be provided for Carnivores, Omnivores and Vegetarians alike. Come mingle with the Semester 12s, and everyone of all year levels who are making the journey for the Ball from all over VIC.
- I will email out the final details for starting times and accommodation once we have confirmed numbers etc. This will happen in around 1 week.
Email moovinhealth@gmail.com if you have any questions.
Moo-ree de Jong

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