Monday, September 29, 2008



Hey hey people in blog land!

The Moovin' Health Annual Dinner is coming up REALLY soon- and you and your partner are invited!

Come along for a great night out - dining, drinking, music (by our very own J-J-Jesse Zankeeeer!), and we will be holding a grand Slave Auction to raise funds for the Australian Cancer Council as part of the annual Relay For Life. Special services and activities will be auctioned off from some of the key staff and student celebrities of the RCS - don't miss out on placing a bid on the night - and all for a good cause!

Please read the following information about the dinner and instructions on how to get hold of tickets!!!!

Moovin' Health Annual Dinner 2008

When: Thursday 23rd October 2008, 7pm til late
Where: Emerald Bank Woolshed, Greater Shepparton
Theme: Golden Age of Hollywooooood
Cost: $35 (of which $2 will be donated to the Australian Cancer Council

  • There will be a FREE bus service provided which will depart from the Shepparton RCS at 6.30pm sharp.
  • Accommodation will be provided - but you have to let us know soon! Also - please be sure to bring your own bedding!
  • Moovin' health are holding a FREE breakfast on Friday Morning at the Shepparton RCS - details will be announced on the night!
RSVP: Please contact us and purchase your tickets by Friday 17th October

Contact Maree - for instructions on how to purchase tickets!


Maree de Jong
Moovin' Health President

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Shepparton Event: Quacks, Crackin' Backs and Snacks

Hi guys,

The topic for the first Moovin' Health seminar for this semester is:
"Complementary and Alternative Medicine and Medicine" or, "Quacks, Crackin' Backs and Snacks".
It will be held at 7.30pm on Wednesday 1st of October at the Shepparton RCS lecture theatre.
For those unable to attend, the seminar will be recorded and a link put up, right here on the Moovin' Health Blog.

The idea of these seminars is to try and get some insight into some aspects of health care that aren't explicitly covered in the course, but are nevertheless issues that concern lots of patients (and therefore us too). Complementary and Alternative Medicine is extremely popular in Australia and is an important part of many peoples lives. However, there seems to be a bit of a gulf of mutual understanding between CAM and mainstream medical practitioners.

We have invited a naturopath, a chiropractor, an acupuncturist and Prof Bill Adams (yes, the Prof Bill Adams) to share their experiences with CAM and its interactions with mainstream medicine, as well as issues such as the role of Evidenced Based Practice, public funding of CAM and any questions you might have.

Snacks, vitamins, statins etc provided.

Please come along or listen to the recorded version on the Moovin' Health Blog!

Dave Carmody and the Shepparton Moovin' Health Committee

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Big Question Numero Uno: What are we really doing here?

Welcome to our BIG Questions section, where the battlefield has been cleared and levelled in drooling anticipation (think of Pavlov's dogs at the end of Tchaikovsky's '1812 Overture') for the proverbial bloodlust to follow (and a perfect opportunity to win the coveted 'Golden Comment of the Month' award). So get cracking with this cracker of a video:

Scribe Media created a monster with their video 'Health 2.0'. Sometimes a morning viewing can replace a daily dose of coffee (how non-compliant). It does admittedly venture into the obscure in second half - a little US-centric/techno-centric - but the overall effect is retained.


- Is Health changing today more than it has in History, or are we just conceited self-obsessives?
- Are we aware of the full extent of our enculturation (aka suffocation aka intoxication) into the juggernaut of Medicine and Science. Is anyone? Is there a limit to science's place in society? Should there be?
- In the end patients just listen to us anyway...the notion of the 'educated patient' is baloney. Masquarading as veneer of autonomy (manifested in relentless questionings from patients) hodgepodge information gleaned from google really just wastes our time.

Don't forget to leave a name...

Oh Podcast Podcast on the web, can you please tell my why I did med...

This one is home grown, so worth a look:

Some first year meds from our very own Uni of Melb have started a podcast, and have collected quite the managerie of interviews. The latest one is targeted to Outlook and Moovin Health so especially relevant. Worth a look/listen(/feel?) - at the very least you might reminisce to those wonderfully naive first year days when the krebs cycle was important and clinical school seemed big and scary.

Check it out:

Saturday, September 20, 2008

We welcome you to munchkin land...Please come again

Goodafternoon fellow ruralites,

As Captain Publications it is my honour to welcome to the Moovin Health Blog for 2008/9. The Moovin Health Team this year is striving to bring you a whole host of publications that will be relevant, interesting, and challenging, and you are currently at the coalface of that particular contraption. This blog will form the first point of contact between you guys, us and the great wide world: news, updates, survey questions, prizes, interesting tidbits, and wonderful procrastinations.

So stay tuned, and make sure to comment on those things you deem worthy/prickly (best comments win prizes...and kudos), and be sure to rumble loudly - or at least sufficiently - if you have an idea, or a complaint. And if you have any report/story you want posted on the blog, just email it to contact.moovinhealth[at]

Last but not least...we need you to write! We are producing mini-newletters throughout the year and we need your input. The first topic is ethics so if any of you have a budding moral conundrum you just need to process, let us know.

Looking forward to hearing from you all,

Aaron Wagen
Publications Officer 08/09

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Ballarat's "Colours of the World Charity Ball" Report

Colours of the World Charity Ball

On August the 28th the students from Ballarat hosted a charity ball with the theme "Colours of the World". Students pitched in to make colourful cocktails and food, ranging from fairy bread and cupcakes to sushi. It was a wonderful first event of the year and a great opportunity for the new rural Moovin Health members to interact with the older students!!

Overall the ball was a great success and we
raised $320 for Angel Flight. (

Eshini Perera
Ballarat Site Coordinator

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Oct 23rd Moovin' Health Annual Dinner

Moovin’Health Annual Dinner

When: Thursday October 23rd, 7pm til late

Where: Emerald Bank Woolshed, Shepparton

Theme: Golden Age of Hollywood

Cost: $35 ($2 from every ticket donated to the Cancer Council Relay for Life)

Transport will be provided from the RCS

Come for a great night with dining, drinking, dancing & a slave auction!


*Join the Ball Organising Committee – meeting at 7.30pm Monday 22nd Sep, Conference Room 1&2.

Contact Maree for more info!

Shepparton Relay For Life

Relay for Life Shepparton 2008:
RCS Moovin' Health Team

What A Moovin’ Health team walking/running/ambulating around an oval, rain, hail, shine, passing a baton to each other, metaphorical or otherwise, for 18 good fun, sense-of-achievement-like hours

Why To raise funds and awareness for the The Cancer Council Australia

Who Anyone wishing to take part and represent the RCS and Moovin’ Health at the event

When 18th Oct, 6.00pm til…19th Oct, 12 noon. (18hrs)

Where Princess Park, Shepparton

How Contacting Jesse Zanker

Talk to him, then make a$15 donation to the Cancer Council which gets you a T-Shirt and entry into the relay for life event.

More info Once a team has been established, we’ll meet to organise fund- and awareness-raising activities ahead of the event.

We also hope to have some yet-to-be-determined novelty item to complete the event with. Welcoming your ideas…

I hope you can support us in some way!
We’ll be out with the propaganda for donations soon…

Upcoming Community Events!

Greetings fellow Moovers and Shakers!

My name is Tom Fisher, and along with my brave comrade Jesse Zanker, we have been entrusted with the vital duties of Community Relations in Sheppaton in the coming year!

The club has lots of events in the pipelines at the moment and we encourage everyone to get involved in whatever capacity they wish.

In the near future, we have two activities coming up.

Firstly, everyone's favourite school subject, Sex Ed!
Wanganui High School has invited us to be involved in teaching sexual education to Year 10 students during October, focusing on the topics of contraception and sexually transmitted infections.
This is a chance to really get involved in something worthwhile in the community, and it is a fantastic opportunity for the kids to talk to people a bit closer to their age about these difficult topics.
The classes will be held on Monday 13th (Contraception) and 20th (STIs) of October from 1.43 to 2.31pm and 2.31 to 3.20pm. If any of you are interested in being involved in these school visits, please get into contact with me or Jesse, or anybody else on the club committee.

The second event coming up is the sugar filled festival of fun, Tatura Blue Light Disco. What happens when kids get let loose in a community hall with $5 in their pocket, the latest music cranking, and a canteen full of tasty treats?
Well, we aren't going to tell you, you'll just have to find out for yourself by acting as a supervisor for the event! Duties involve sitting around, playing foosball, telling off kids who are naughty, and eating chocolate. At the end of the night after everything is cleaned up, they'll even feed you pizza for your hard work.
The Disco for September has been cancelled, which means the next one will be held on Friday the 31st of October (that's right, Halloween!) and runs from 6.30pm until 10pm.

Other events to keep an eye out for include the Relay for Life, manning the Shepp Iron Man Medical Tent, a blood drive, and more high school visits.

So go on, relate with the community... you know you want to!

Tom Fisher (
Jesse Zanker (

Sunday, September 14, 2008

MOOoooovin' Health Blog!

Welcome to the new Moovin' Health Blog!

Through this blog we hope to provide some information about Moovin' Health - who we are, what our aims are, information about upcoming events, our publications, as well as interesting articles and information about opportunities in Rural Health.

We are a diverse group of University of Melbourne Medical and Allied Health students who are living and studying at the Rural Clinical School (RCS) in Shepparton, Wangaratta and Ballarat.

We aim to establish and strengthen ties between the RCS and our local communities, to engage with and educate our peers on the opportunities for health professionals in rural and remote Australia. In addition to these, we aim to promote open discussion about Medicine and Allied and Complementary health professions and consider how our professions interact and how we can work together to achieve the best results for the patients we will care for in the future.

A new committee has recently been elected and we are currently working hard to organise events for the semester. There are already numerous activities planned and more to come - a list of the Upcoming Events can be found in the side-column on the left of this blog.

If you have any questions or want to find out more information about the club or upcoming events, please contact us!

contact.moovinhealth (at) gmail (dot) com


Maree de Jong
Moovin' Health President